Virtual ChiChi Station, 2001
A Virtual Construction Process Assisting the Restoration of Historical Building
Sheng Kai Tang, Yu Tung Liu, Yang Cheng Fan, Chih Hsien Chang, and Yu Chen Chiu
Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU
The Chi-Chi station is an important historical antique in Taiwan, that was heavily damaged by the 921 earthquakes in 1999. In order to recover it within a very short period of time, we adopt computer simulation techniques to assist the actual construction. During the process, we propose two research issues to discover: 1) How to represent the knowledge of reconstruction via sequential animations? 2) How do these sequential animations actually help the construction process? The objective of this research is to build up a standard operation process for the restoration of historical building. Eventually, we find out that the computation enhanced construction process is definitely much more effective and efficient comparing to those of conventional design and construction tools.
Tang, S.K. and Liu, Y.T.: 2001, The visual harmony between new and old materials in the restoration of historical architecture, In Proceedings of The sixth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia 2001, p205-210.
Tang, S.K. and Liu, Y.T.: 2001, The digital reconstruction procedure of Chi-Chi Station, in the magazine of Construction News Record 2002.